Campton Park Cyclocross
November 3, 2007 – St. Charles, IL
Masters 30+ – DNF
Another short race report thanks to stupidity on my part. I decided to drop out after 2 laps in the Masters 30+ because my legs were still sore from running in Central Park on Thursday. I had trouble getting my leg over the back on dismounts and hitting strides was difficult. My hunch said not to push it. In the end, it was a smart idea as I had trouble going up and down stairs in that afternoon.
Ironically, I was trying to decide whether to even go out to the race when I first woke up, but the drive to race was too strong. I should have realized that getting lost in a hilly Central Park and running twice as long as I had planned would still affect me two days later. Oh, well! The Campton Park course was nice and technical and would have been a hard race.