After missing the CX meet in Dekalb last Sunday, I was gung ho for the race today in Hawthorn Woods. I had planned on racing both the Masters 30+ and Cat 4A. The weather wasn’t very cross-like, but it would have been a great day to race and watch others suffer in the heat. Well, my toe this morning changed my plans.
While carrying laundry into the bedroom yesterday, I stubbed my toes on the corner of the bed. Ouch. I thought it was minor at first, but I woke up last night in pain. This morning, it was definitely swollen and bruised. I have no clue if it’s broken, but it hurt to put any tight fitting shoes on it. I tried running, but it hurt after a few steps. Considering the amount of running in CX, I decided to play if safe and not race. I was pretty disappointed, but used the weather as a good excuse to ride my new MTB again…:) My Pearl Izumi MTB shoes had a wide toebox and a stiff sole, so my feet felt fine biking.
I’ll have to wait and see how the healing goes in the next few days. I’m likely going to see a podiatrist, but I’m going to take it easy on the running for awhile.