That’s right…you can officially call me a dork. I finally got a pair of Zensah Calf Compression Sleeves. Sexy, huh? Yeah right. Do I look like dork when I wear them? Yes. Do they work? So far, yes! I was walking around Target and Best Buy with these on tonight and people thought I was from another planet. Hey, my calves were fried from MTBing, so as Bobby Brown would say…”That’s my perogative.”
Compression sock/calf sleeves are supposed to help improve circulation and muscle recovery. I won’t get into the details, but Toddie and the Commander recommended them. I already had Zensah base layer garments and love them to death. Their compression sleeves got pretty good marks from triathletes. They feel good when I wear them…kind of like having a massage. I need to evaluate them for a few months, but not bad for $30!