Fiesta Island 20K TT
February 5, 2012 – San Diego, CA
Masters 30+ – 2nd – 28:16:00
276 watts – 26.0 MPH
My first TT of the year at Fiesta Island. The weather was ideal, but cold when we got to the start. I was shivering, but the sun wasn’t out yet. My Garmin read just 37 degrees F during my warm-up, though it was only in the mid-40s (you have to factor in the wind chill). Rose was also racing and went off before me. I was happy with a good warm-up, but was frustrated with my first lap. I was riding my Hed H3C for the first time in a couple of years. I took it too easy on corners and there I had too slow up to pass other racers.
The great thing about my next 2 laps is that I got faster. I was very happy with my last lap, since I really pushed it. Considering how hard I rode on both Friday and Saturday, this was a good result. Rose was also happy with her effort, since she broke 21 MPH. Not bad for her being sick the week before and getting no riding in!
Despite the high bike traffic, this is one of my favorite courses. My only complaint is the early start time, but this race is always sold out and the staff and volunteers are awesome!